Hormonal Migraine

“Its like a miracle. My headaches have decreased by 80% since starting my remedy. I can function now instead of having to take days of work or swallow lots of meds”-Isabella, 45years.

Isabella’s migraines dated back to her teens and she could bank on having one every month.

She had a full life, working as a financial manager, three teenagers at home and a husband who had started working overseas for extended periods. Her headaches meant she ground to a halt for at least 24 hours every fortnight.

Migraine sufferers often find many of the usual triggers for headaches such as dehydration, food sensitivities neck tension, and stress are only part of the picture for them.

Isabella’s regular periodic migraines coincided with her menses. Natrum muriatricum has an affinity with the menstrual cycle. It is also a remedy for helping with deep grief. This was an issue for Isabella. She had difficulty being heard and seen by her birth family and this caused her a lot of pain. Her physical and emotional symptoms matched the remedy.

After two months of using Natrum muriatricum on a weekly basis she was sleeping better, feeling more relaxed and on top of things.

Most importantly, her migraines were greatly diminished in frequency and severity.


Finding joy